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Nearly 60,000 Call On FOX to fire Eric Bolling, in less than 24 hours

NEW YORK – The following is a statement from – the nation’s largest African-American online political organization—regarding the influence of their members and allies on the firing of FOX’s Eric Bolling:

“In less than 24 hours, nearly 60,000 members have called on FOX to fire Eric Bolling.

FOX Business and FOX News continue to be safe havens for commentators who try to conjure up race-based fears and peddle racial stereotypes as hard news. If Roger Ailes fires Bolling, it’s a step towards accountability. If he refuses, it will make it abundantly clear to the public and the media that stoking racial division is part of FOX’s agenda.”

Last Friday, FOX Business’ Follow the Money host Eric Bolling teased a segment about the White House hosting President Ali Bongo of Gabon by saying, ‘It’s not first time he’s had a hoodlum in the hizzouse.’ ColorOfChange started a petition because this type of racial stereotyping has gone on at FOX for too long.

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With more than 750,000 members, is the nation’s largest African-American online political organization.

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