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Statement from Rashad Robinson, Executive Director of, on the News of the FCC’s decision to move forward with a proposal for a two-tiered Internet



CJ Frogozo,, 310.570.2622

Kayla Keller,, 281.682.212

“The rules proposed by FCC Chairman Wheeler today could kill the free and open Internet, and President Obama is partly to blame.

As a candidate, President Obama campaigned on maintaining Net Neutrality. We call on him to keep his word, and add his voice to the chorus of Americans who don’t want to give mega-corporations like AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon a green light to discriminate against content they don’t like.

A free and open Internet is an important 21st-century civil rights issue. Black communities know the devastating impact of having our voices shut out by corporations. The Internet is a forum where we can speak, access information, and organize without a corporate filter.

We cannot allow rules that would create a fast lane for wealthy corporations while relegating the rest of us to a second-class Internet. It’s past time to reclassify the Internet as the public utility that it is.” .

For interviews with Rashad Robinson, please contact CJ Frogozo at or 310 570 2622.


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