Skip to Content Responds to President Obama’s Remarks on Net Neutrality and a Fair and Open Internet

Statement from Rashad Robinson, Executive Director of



Tim Rusch,, 917 399 0236

CJ Frogozo,, 310 570 2622

New York, NY — “We commend President Obama for speaking out and voicing his support for a free and open Internet for all Americans.

“This is the President’s first statement on the issue of net neutrality since the unveiling of an FCC proposal that would pose a grave threat to a fair and open Internet. As a presidential candidate, Mr. Obama declared he would protect net neutrality, later pledging in 2010 to ensure that ‘innovation is allowed to flourish, that consumers are protected from abuse, and that the democratic spirit of the Internet remains intact.

“This week’s statements are an important step towards keeping that promise.

“Unfortunately, the President’s stated position on net neutrality stands in stark contrast to that of the FCC, whose current plans would lead to the end of the Internet as we know it, replacing the freedom and equity we currently experience online with a two-tiered system of ‘fast and slow lanes’ catering to wealthy corporations at the expense of our communities.

“There is much at stake in the fight for net neutrality, particularly for the Black community. Protecting net neutrality will ensure a level playing field for all voices, allowing Black bloggers, activists, and entrepreneurs to flourish online despite being blocked out of ownership and participation in traditional media.

“The only way to protect the open Internet is to reclassify broadband as a common carrier. The President’s recent statements, as well as those of Senator Harry Reid, show that the political support is there. It’s up to the FCC and Chairman Wheeler to do the right thing.

“President Obama joins a long list of Black leaders who are opposed to fast and slow lanes online. Over 40,000 ColorOfChange members have demanded 10 members of the Congressional Black Caucus on the record against net neutrality reverse their positions. We are hopeful that the President’s remarks will convince other Black leaders on the wrong side of this issue to recognize how critical an open internet is for the Black community, and speak out in favor of reclassification.”


With over 900,000 members, is the nation’s largest online civil rights organization.

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