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Statement on the Murder of Stephon Clark from Rashad Robinson, Executive Director of Color Of Change

Rashad Robinson, Executive Director of Color Of Change:

“A joint investigation between the Sacramento Police Department and District Attorney Shubert on the murder of Stephon Clark, who was shot 20 times by the reckless is ongoing — but we know that the District Attorney has a pattern of declining to prosecute killer cops who murder Black people – that’s why the cops who murdered Dazion Flenaugh and Joseph Mann are free today.

Silence from the media allows corporate enablers, police officers and politicians like the Sacramento DA to commit murder without impunity.

These officers must be held accountable and we cannot allow Stephon to be forgotten. Thousands of our members have joined our Justice for Stephon campaign and signed our petition to let Shubert know that we are watching this case closely and that we will not allow her to let another killer cop get away with murder.”

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