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Statement from Sakira Cook, Vice President of Campaigns at Color Of Change in response to the implementation of the Marta Wright-Reed Just and Reasonable Communications Act of 2022

For Immediate Release: March 17, 2023
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Statement from Sakira Cook, Vice President of Campaigns at Color Of Change in response to the implementation of the Marta Wright-Reed Just and Reasonable Communications Act of 2022

“We applaud the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to implement the Martha Wright-Reed Just and Reasonable Communications Act of 2022, a crucial step to ensure families can remain in contact with incarcerated loved ones without being charged predatory fees. We also thank Senator Tammy Duckworth and former House Representative Bobby Rush for championing this legislation and for pioneering this issue through Congress. For far too long, telecommunications companies took advantage of families trying to stay connected in these difficult circumstances, and these policies disproportionately impacted Black families. We are relieved the government is finally addressing this unjust economic burden. Now, the FCC can cap the cost of calls for these families so they can reconnect with their loved ones without facing an economic burden.

While the Martha Wright-Reed Just and Reasonable Communications Act of 2022 is an important first step towards justice, the work of ending prison profiteering is not over. This inhumane practice of corporations profiting off of the pain of families across the country costs U.S. taxpayers over $80 billion a year and must come to an end. On the heels of the FCC vote, we call on lawmakers and the Biden administration to take the additional steps outlined in the policy blueprint recently released by Color Of Change and Worth Rises to end prison profiteering once and for all.”


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