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NY, CO, TX, MD Take a Stand Against Money Bail

In 2019, we scored a number of victories to end money bail. Bail is used to imprison innocent people who don’t have the funds to pay their way out while awaiting trial. In NY and CO, we worked with grassroots groups to support the passage of historic legislation that will slash the jail and prison population. Our campaign to embolden progressive prosecutors to end money bail continues too. In Prince George, MD, the State’s Attorney announced her office will no longer request cash bail. In Bexar County, TX the DA recommends people who cannot afford bail be released unless they’re specifically a “flight risk.” Pre-trial detention has ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands of Black and Brown people from Sandra Bland to Kalief Browder and mires many more in impossible debt.

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Wedding Sites Back Away from Plantation Weddings

After Color Of Change reached out to wedding planning sites Pinterest and The Knot, both companies agreed to stop promoting old slave plantations for weddings and stop using language that romanticizes their history. Now the Knot is working with Color Of Change to create new guidelines for vendors. Zola said they’d stop listing plantations and will work with us to ensure their policies “make everyone feel welcome.” Our campaign took off in the media, and was covered in outlets from the FOX and ABC News to the New York Times. With this victory, we sent a clear message to the wedding industry: there’s nothing romantic about slavery. This win moves us one step closer to a world where it is no longer acceptable to make millions by exploiting Black people’s suffering.

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Facebook Removes Deceptive Trump Ad

Color Of Change once again held Facebook’s feet to the fire when it decided to run a misleading Trump re-election ad that implied it would take people to participate in the 2020 Census, but routed them to the “Make America Great Again” donation page instead. After we spoke out with tech accountability groups, Facebook reversed course and pulled the ad. Rashad is quoted in the Washington Post: “Going forward, harmful and misleading ads must be flagged in a pre-posting review process, not after they’ve hit hundreds, if not thousands, of news feeds.” Facebook currently has the most permissive and most damaging approach to political speech – allowing candidates to post misleading information and target specific audiences with it.

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Color Of Change helps people respond effectively to injustice in the world around us. As a national online force driven by 7 million members, we move decision makers in corporations and government to create a more human and less hostile world for Black people, and all people. Until justice is real.

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