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Ahead of Inauguration, Racial Justice Group Calls on Political, Corporate Leaders to Refuse to Enable Trump

Color Of Change: “Starting Friday, there are no sidelines”

NEW YORK, NY – Color Of Change, the largest online racial justice group, calls for fierce opposition to Donald Trump and his enablers ahead of his inauguration.

Statement from Rashad Robinson, Executive Director of Color Of Change:

“Starting at noon tomorrow, our rights as Americans go up for sale. At that moment, our country will be led by a President who will sell off this country and the progress we’ve achieved just to make more money for himself, his family, and his white supremacist and billionaire friends.

“The rights of Black Americans and so many others have always been under attack. But now every American of good faith must be prepared to defend our way of life that, while deeply flawed, stands in stark contrast to the selling off of our freedoms that Trump will lead.

“In this world we are now entering, compromise is complicity. Our elected officials in the Democratic Party, including self-proclaimed progressives, must show that they have the backbone to stand up to Trump and stand for our core rights and freedoms as Americans. On these issues, from our right to vote to our right to healthcare, there can be no hostage negotiations, no concessions. Americans need to know exactly who we as progressives stand for: them.

“And for those in power—whether in government or in corporations—who choose to enable Trump’s plot against our country, we must be just as uncompromising. Let me be clear: any executive who helps Trump build his Muslim registry is a traitor to our values. Any Senator who votes to confirm Trump’s parade of unqualified and dangerous Cabinet appointees is a traitor to our values. Anyone who is not working against the corporate onslaught on our rights is enabling it.

“We ask nothing from our incoming racist, anti-American President. But from everyone else in this country I ask: are you ready to fight for our freedoms? Starting Friday, there are no sidelines.”

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