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Color Of Change Applauds White House Picks for FTC Commissioner, NEC

For Immediate Release: March 22, 2021

Color Of Change Applauds White House Picks for FTC Commissioner, NEC 

NATIONWIDE – In response to President Biden’s nomination of Lina Khan for FTC Commissioner, Color Of Change released the following statement from President Rashad Robinson:

“President Biden’s nomination of Lina Khan to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and his appointment of Tim Wu to the National Economic Council (NEC) are important indicators that this administration is committed to antitrust reform. Color Of Change has continuously advocated for Khan to be nominated to the FTC, as a respected antitrust crusader whose aggressive vision for enforcing competition policy will greatly benefit Black voters, workers and communities. As leading antitrust advocates and trusted allies in the movement for racial justice, Khan and Wu will open the door for long-overdue regulation of Big Tech and other concentrated markets.

Despite warnings from Color Of Change and other civil rights groups, tech giants including Facebook, Twitter, Google and Amazon have enabled harms against Black people for years, by knowingly allowing white supremacists, far-right conspiracists and violent militia groups to organize, recruit, profit, and spread dangerous misinformation and hate on their platforms. These corporations continue to rely on business models that prioritize profit and growth above Black lives and the integrity of our democracy. We need strong advocates like Khan and Wu in positions of authority at the highest levels of government in order to put an end to Big Tech’s ongoing abuse of power and to create federal competition laws that ensure a fair marketplace for Black consumers, workers and small business owners.

Antitrust enforcement can no longer be a race-neutral process, and must always include evaluations of the impact of mergers and anticompetitive practices on Black and other marginalized communities. The Biden administration must consistently prioritize racial justice in all antitrust matters and adequately fund regulatory bodies to achieve equity and economic liberation in this country. Color Of Change urges the Senate to confirm Khan and will continue to advocate for other presidential appointments that equip the federal government to make meaningful strides toward effective antitrust regulation and enforcement.”


About Color Of Change:
Color Of Change is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization. We help people respond effectively to injustice in the world around us. As a national online force, 7 million people have taken action with Color Of Change this year. We move decision-makers in corporations and government to create a more humane and less hostile world for Black people in America. Visit



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