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Color Of Change Calls On President Biden to Appoint FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks as Permanent FCC Chair

For Immediate Release: October 20, 2021
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Color Of Change Calls On President Biden to Appoint FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks as Permanent FCC Chair

Racial justice organization also announces support for Jessica Gonzalez and Gigi Sahn for FCC Commission positions

NATIONWIDE — As President Biden and Vice President Harris consider permanent appointments to federal agencies, Color Of Change is doubling down on its support for Geoffrey Starks for permanent Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chair and urging the administration to consider Jessica Gonzalez or Gigi Sohn as the strongest candidates for 5th FCC Commissioner. The following statement can be attributed to Color Of Change President Rashad Robinson:

“Color Of Change strongly urges President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to consider FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks for permanent FCC Chair. Commissioner Starks, whose appointment we have been calling for since January, has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to racial justice during his tenure at the FCC and possesses the necessary racial justice expertise to tackle deeply ingrained technological disparities with equity-oriented solutions.

To adequately address the telecom and tech issues that systematically and disproportionately target Black communities — such as broadband access and affordability, exploitative prison phone rates, and the lack of net neutrality protections — we need legislative action that centers racial justice and dedicated leaders at the FCC who reflect the communities most impacted by the policy decisions they dictate. Commissioner Starks fits this critical need. He has a dedicated track record of advocating on behalf of Black communities, including a clear commitment to Net Neutrality and Title II, broadband expansion via the Lifeline program, and broadening the FCC’s E-rate program to ensure children have the access they need for online learning.

With FCC Acting Chair Jessica Rosenworcel’s term set to expire at the end of the year and a current vacant post, Color Of Change recommends Jessica Gonzalez and Gigi Sohn as the strongest candidates for any remaining seats. Gonzalez has defended Lifeline and overturned a media consolidation decision during the Trump administration, and Sohn’s public interest work in tech and telecom spans three decades, including efforts to restore net neutrality and strengthen oversight over broadband.

For a fair and just internet, we must see advocates leading equity-based policies that prioritize the wellbeing of Black communities. Seating these decision-makers at the FCC is a major step toward rooting our nation’s institutions in racial equity for all. ”


About Color Of Change:
Color Of Change is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization. We help people respond effectively to injustice in the world around us. As a national online force, 7 million people have taken action with Color Of Change this year. We move decision-makers in corporations and government to create a more humane and less hostile world for Black people in America. Visit


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