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Color Of Change Condemns ‘Justice for J6’ Rally, Demands Accountability from Insurrection Enablers 

For Immediate Release: Saturday, September 18, 2021

Media Contact: Kwame Belle,;

Ollie Jones,

NATIONWIDE — Ahead of the far-right ‘Justice for J6’ rally planned for Saturday, September 18 in Washington D.C., Color Of Change President Rashad Robinson issued the following statement:

“Color Of Change condemns the far-right ‘Justice For J6′ rally and the enablers — from corporations to politicians — that not only fueled the deadly insurrection earlier this year, but continue to shirk accountability for their role in the violent event. After failing to heed repeated warnings from Color Of Change and other civil rights groups about the real-life dangers of allowing white nationalists, far-right conspiracists, and racist militias to organize on their platforms, tech giants like Youtube and Facebook have only continued on a path of enablement by refusing to tackle the ongoing torrent of misinformation and hate on their platforms. Meanwhile, powerful corporations like Cigna, Intel and JetBlue maintain financing for elected officials who support and enable white nationalist insurgents.

These extremist far-right groups’ deluded demands for so-called justice are as disingenuous as they are intentional in sullying true movements for justice. We know what real injustice looks like. We’ve witnessed elected officials abuse their power to reinforce discriminatory laws that seek to disenfranchise Black voters. We continue to see police officers sworn to protect our communities attack and murder us with impunity. But we are not, and will not, be deterred from winning justice for Black people. Color Of Change’s seven million members will continue to hold insurrectionist enablers accountable and advocate for real solutions to the systemic injustices thrust upon Black communities.”


About Color Of Change:

Color Of Change is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization. We help people respond effectively to injustice in the world around us. As a national online force driven by over 7 million members, we move decision-makers in corporations and government to create a more human and less hostile world for Black people in America. Visit


‘We did that.’ Color Of Change Claims Victory for Pushing Twitter to Suspend President Trump’s Account

For Immediate Release: January 8, 2021 Contact: “We did that.”  Color Of Change Claims Victory for Pushing Twitter to Suspend President Trump’s Account NATIONWIDE — In response to Twitter’s decision to permanently ban President Trump’s account from the site, Color Of Change President Rashad Robinson issued the following statement: “Twitter’s decision to permanently ban Trump’s account […]

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