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Color Of Change: No Charges for Darren Wilson a Blow to Fight for Justice in Killing of Michael Brown

July 30, 2020

Color Of Change: No Charges for Darren Wilson a Blow to Fight for Justice in Killing of Michael Brown

Scott Roberts, Senior Director of Criminal Justice Campaigns at Color Of Change, released this statement following Prosecuting Attorney of St. Louis County Wesley Bell’s announcement that he will not pursue case against former officer Darren Wilson for the 2014 killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri:

“Today’s announcement by the Prosecuting Attorney of St. Louis County Wesley Bell that he will not pursue charges against former Officer Darren Wilson is a disappointing blow to the fight for justice for Michael Brown. When Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson killed this teenager, it sent shockwaves through the country as the daily, often deadly, injustices experienced by Black people were broadcast to the world. The decision not to bring charges against Wilson perpetuates a criminal justice system that fails Black communities by allowing police to operate with impunity. We stand with Michael Brown’s family in their continued fight for justice.

“In Ferguson and countless other cities, millions took action with Color Of Change and demanded accountability in the deaths of Black people, only to see locally elected prosecutors work to deny justice for their families and communities. That’s why after 20-year incumbent Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch failed to indict Officer Darren Willson, we worked with local organizers from Action St. Louis, ArchCity Defenders, Organization for Black Struggle, and Missouri Faith Voices, among others to oust him and elect Wesley Bell. Last summer, we stood with Michael’s father, Michael Brown Sr., as he asked Prosecutor Bell to reopen the case and determine what really happened in the confrontation between Michael and Officer Wilson. While we are glad Bell reviewed the case again, we are disappointed by his decision. 

“Today’s announcement by Attorney Bell to not pursue charges reinforces the importance of making the systemic changes necessary to end over-policing and the structural racism built to protect police officers from accountability. We stand in solidarity with the people of St. Louis in demanding the changes that will bring us closer to achieving real justice for our communities.”


About Color Of Change

Color Of Change is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization. We help people respond effectively to injustice in the world around us. As a national online force driven by over 1.4 million members, we move decision-makers in corporations and government to create a more human and less hostile world for Black people in America. Visit 

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