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COLOR OF CHANGE: Trump Census Memo is “Unconscionable and Unconstitutional”

For Immediate Release

July 21, 2020


Amirah Keaton 

(973) 896-6861 


COLOR OF CHANGE: Trump Census Memo is “Unconscionable and Unconstitutional”

Jennifer Edwards, Senior Director of Digital Engagement and Democracy for Color Of Change, issued this statement following reports of Trump’s latest memorandum attempting to limit undocumented individuals from being counted in the 2020 Census: 

“No matter who we are or where we were born, we all count on the census. Trump’s latest memorandum attempting to block undocumented individuals from being counted is an unconscionable and unconstitutional fear tactic. We see right through their racist attempt to cheat communities of color out of the resources and representation we deserve, and will not sit by while they try to to confuse or scare Black and brown people out of getting counted. This latest attempt to deprive our communities of the money and power we deserve is just another example of Trump’s white nationalist policy agenda, and we won’t tolerate it.”

“Color Of Change remains committed to a complete and accurate count in the census, and we’re working to prevent a Black undercount with our national OurCount campaign. The census is one of the ways that we protect the long-term well-being of ourselves and of our communities, and we encourage all individuals to continue responding to the 2020 Census in order to strengthen our communities for the next ten years and beyond, long after Trump and his racist attempts to subvert our census are gone.” 


About Color Of Change:

Color Of Change is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization. We help people respond effectively to injustice in the world around us. As a national online force driven by millions of members, we move decision-makers in corporations and government to create a more human and less hostile world for Black people in America. Visit

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