Skip to Content Responds to New York State Attorney General Schneiderman’s Call to Governor Cuomo to Independently Prosecute Law Enforcement Officers


December 9, 2014


CJ Frogozo, 310.570.2622,

Madison Donzis, 210.488.6220,

Rashad Robinson, Executive Director, issued the following statement:

“ applauds New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman for calling on Governor Andrew Cuomo to issue an executive order authorizing his office to independently investigate and prosecute law enforcement officers involved in violent and deadly altercations with New Yorkers.

“This type of independent oversight is a critical first step in making sure officers who brutalize or kill Black New Yorkers are held accountable. The relationship between police and district attorneys is far too close and AG Schneiderman’s request would go a long way to avoid the systemic corruption, cronyism, and failed justice that often results when local prosecutors investigate police abuse involving Black victims.

“There’s more work to be done to secure justice for Eric Garner. US Attorney General Eric Holder and President Obama must do everything in their power to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo and all of the other officers involved on federal criminal charges. In addition to the independent prosecution, tens of thousands of ColorofChange members are calling for a full and thorough investigation into the discriminatory NYPD policies and practices such as ‘Broken Windows policing,’ which lead to these tragic but avoidable killings time and time again.”


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