Skip to Content Responds to Eric Bolling’s Follow The Money Statement on Fox Business: Obama Hosting “Hoodlums” in the “Hizzouse”

NEW YORK – The following is a statement from Rashad Robinson, executive director of – the nation’s largest African-American online political organization – regarding Eric Bolling’s recent statement on FOX’s Follow The Money about President Barack Obama hosting “Hoodlums” in the “Hizzouse”:

“On Friday, FOX Business’ Follow the Money host Eric Bolling teased a segment about the White House hosting President Ali Bongo of Gabon by saying, ‘It’s not first time he’s had a hoodlum in the hizzouse.’ This type of racial stereotyping has gone on at FOX for too long.

As Bolling made the statement that Obama had previously hosted ‘a hoodlum in the hizzouse,’ an image of the popular hip-hop artist Common aired. The short-lived controversy surrounding Common’s participation in a White House poetry event last month was yet another misleading story pushed by the FOX family that attempted to whip up race-based fears.

We doubt that FOX ever referred to the president’s home as a “hizzouse” while George W. Bush, Bill Clinton or any other president resided there. These words are the latest in a long line of racially-coded language that FOX uses to remind its viewers that the president is black. It’s an obvious, shameful ploy. And it’s not the first time Bolling has done this – just weeks ago he attacked President Obama for “chugging forties” in Ireland, after the president drank a pint of beer in a local pub.

We want Roger Ailes to fire Eric Bolling. FOX and their partners continue to be a safe haven for this type of racism that they are trying to pass off as hard news. It is unacceptable, outdated and we will not stand for it.

While FOX has issued an apology, it does not go far enough. We will continue to hold FOX accountable when it acts as a vehicle for race-baiting and unfair attacks on our communities.”


With more than 750,000 members, is the nation’s largest African-American online political organization.

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