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In Minnesota, Color Of Change Commends County Attorney Moriarty on Upholding Her Commitment to Not Treat Youths as Adults

For Immediate Release:  



In Minnesota, Color Of Change Commends County Attorney Moriarty on Upholding Her Commitment to Not Treat Youths as Adults

Given the recent news of Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty recommending that  Husayn Braveheart, an indigenous 19-year-old who is facing charges for crimes he committed at 15, serve probation rather than jail time, Color Of Change released the following statement from Michael Collins, Senior Director of State and Local Government Affairs at Color Of Change:

“This just decision by County Attorney Moriarty is exactly why we need reform-minded prosecutors who make promises that they can keep. Treating juveniles as adults is a practice that uniquely and systematically targets racial minorities, and Moriarty’s decision in this case is a huge step towards a prosecutorial system that equitably, and without racial bias, serves appropriate justice.”

“We know that justice has always been more easily afforded to White people, while people of color have been more harshly and more swiftly punished for similar crimes. Black and Indigenous juveniles are statistically more likely to be arrested, charged as adults, and serve a more severe sentence. For this reason, County Attorney Moriarty’s promise to uphold her commitment to making age-appropriate decisions for juvenile cases is an investment in consistent fairness in Hennepin County’s prosecutorial system. Color Of Change commends Moriarty’s decision in Braveheart’s case and will continue to hold prosecutors accountable for their decisions as they impact our communities.”


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