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Markeis McGlockton’s Killer Arrested After Pressure From Over 45,000 Color Of Change Members

For Immediate Release

MEDIA CONTACT: Troy Blackwell, 646.828.0844


Color Of Change, the nation’s largest online racial justice organization, issued the following statement in response to Michael Drejka being charged with manslaughter for ‘stand your ground’ killing of Markeis McGlockton, a 28-year-old black man.


Angel D’Angelo, Petition Organizer:

“Charging Michael Drejka with manslaughter for the ‘Stand Your Ground’ killing of Markeis McGlockton is an example of the power of our communities to hold elected prosecutors accountable to us not the NRA. “Stand Your Ground” is a dangerous law and should NOT be a license to kill. For years, the NRA, the country’s largest gun lobby, has fought to expand the civil rights of gun owners–except when it comes to Black people. While fighting for justice for Markeis and his family is the first step in stopping this deadly law, our communities will continue to fight until “Stand Your Ground” laws no longer exist. No family should endure the pain of this cruel law. Thanks to over 45,000 signatures from Color Of Change members, we have hope that the truth will win and justice will prevail in the end.”


Civil Rights Group Calls for an End to so-called Stand Your Ground Laws

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 17, 2013 Contacts: CJ Frogozo,, 310 570 2622 Kayla Keller,, 281 682 6212 Petition Demands State Elected Officials End ALEC-Driven Shoot First Laws **View Petition Here:*** New York, NY – In the wake of George Zimmerman’s acquittal, has launched a petition demanding state elected officials put […]

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