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Statement from Rashad Robinson, Executive Director of, on Tragic Shootings in Newtown, Connecticut

In the Wake of the Tragedy, Group Calls on Corporations to Cut Ties with ALEC and the NRA

For Immediate Release


CJ Frogozo,, 310.570.2622

Rachel Tardiff,, 202.746.1507

New York, NY – “Our deepest condolences go out to the families of the children, teachers, and school personnel killed in the unspeakable tragedy in Connecticut. In the wake of this mass shooting and similar tragedies around the country, our members remain committed to changing a systemic culture of gun violence and promoting sensible reforms to gun laws that, if implemented, can improve public safety in our communities.

“Because of these core principles, ColorOfChange will continue holding corporations accountable for their continued support of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the National Rifle Association (NRA), the chief opponents of commonsense laws. Corporations that continue to stand with ALEC and the NRA, like Duke Energy, State Farm, AT&T, and eBay, play a role in blocking sensible reforms that could address and prevent gun violence.

“ALEC and the NRA create and push laws that make it easy for people to get high-powered assault weapons like the ones used in Newtown and so many of the tragic mass shootings that have plagued our nation. The NRA still plays a key role in crafting ALEC’s model gun-access legislation and these laws destroy families and erode public safety, putting us all in harm’s way.

More than 40 corporations have already left ALEC, and now is the time for more companies to end their ties with ALEC and the NRA. “Now more than ever, it is imperative that corporations that support ALEC and the NRA cut these ties and become part of solutions that can stem the violence.”


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