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Statement from Rashad Robinson, Executive Director of, on Mailing Sent in Advance of Midterms



CJ Frogozo,, 310 570 2622

Michele Setteducato,, 732-614-3818

“The issues in the mailing aren’t issues we made up or created, they are part of the everyday things our community is thinking about as they head to the polls. Our goal was to amplify these issues.

We know that some folks are less likely to vote in the midterms when we don’t have the same urgency of a national candidate. Black voters deserve to know what some politicians and pundits on the right would be fighting for if the GOP takes control of the Senate. And we know that when we engage people in our community on the issues of the last couple of years that have not only shaped our lives up to this moment but will continue to impact us for years to come, we can shed a light on the true power that lies in the ballot box.

Throughout Obama’s presidency, the Republican leadership has shown an inability to contain the more fervent wing of the party that could never accept the idea of a Black President. Since he took office, the Tea Party has attacked President Obama with disrespectful, racially-charged attacks on his authority and impeachment has been a constant refrain from right-wing officials and pundits to rally their base. The former Arkansas Republican Governor Mike Huckabee, a 2016 hopeful and the most high-profile member of the Arkansas GOP, said on conservative radio in August that President Obama “absolutely” deserves to be impeached but that the current Senate would not remove him from office. Other GOP elected leaders including Senators James Inhofe and Tom Coburn, Representatives Darrell Issa, Louie Gohmert, Michelle Bachmann, Kerry Bentivolio, Jack Kingston, Blake Farenthold, Steve Stockman, Jason Chaffetz have all alluded to or outright demanded impeachment — and that doesn’t even include the droves of conservative radio hosts, right-wing pundits and Tea Party activists who use calls for impeachment to garner support and attention.”


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