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Archives: Press releases


Statement by Rashad Robinson, Executive Director of ColorOfChange, on Norton Outdoor’s Decision to pull its voter suppression billboard ads:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACTS: Tim Rusch,, 917.399.0236 Rachel Tardiff,, 202.746.1507 “We are pleased that Norton Outdoor has decided to pull these voter suppression billboards and finally acknowledged what we’ve seen all along—the ads were meant to target and intimidate voters of color and to keep these communities from voting. It was too much […]

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Clear Channel Outdoor Agrees to Remove Voter Suppression Billboards in Cleveland, Columbus and Milwaukee

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACTS: Tim Rusch, 917.399.0236, Rachel Tardiff, 202.746.1507, We are pleased that Clear Channel has decided to remove billboards that started popping up last week in Black and Latino neighborhoods in Cleveland, Columbus and Milwaukee. The ads were placed by an anonymous group in a blatant attempt to scare people away […]

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ColorOfChange Calls for the Removal of Voter Suppression Billboards Popping up in Swing States

This weekend, ColorOfChange, the largest online civil rights organization, launched a new petition calling on Clear Channel to remove intimidating and misleading billboard ads in Black and Latino neighborhoods in Ohio and Wisconsin. An anonymous group has started running the ads, which highlight maximum punishments for “voter fraud” that is basically nonexistent, creating a sense […]

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ColorOfChange and Partners Deliver 50k Petitions to Quinn Calling for Action on Paid Sick Days

For Immediate Release Contact: Kayla Keller, 281.682.6212, NEW YORK – Yesterday, dozens of parents, children, elected officials and other supporters convened at City Hall with baby strollers in tow to deliver 50,000 petition signatures demanding that Speaker Quinn allow a vote on the paid sick days bill. More than a million New Yorkers lack […]

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ColorOfChange applauds federal appeals court decision to uphold final three days of early vote in Ohio

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Today, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld an earlier decision that Ohio voters will be able to cast in-person ballots during the final three days of early vote, including the Saturday and Sunday before Election Day. This is good news for the ColorOfChange community, which has advocated on behalf of the […]

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Statement from Rashad Robinson, Executive Director of, on the News that a Federal Judge Restored Early Voting Rights to Ohio after Obama Suit

NEW YORK – Today, U.S. District Judge Peter C. Economus ruled that Ohio voters will be allowed to vote in person the weekend before Election Day. The following is a statement from ColorOfChange Executive Director Rashad Robinson: “This is a huge step toward restoring the voting rights of all of Ohioans, especially black and low-income […]

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