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CBS interview with R. Kelly – Slap in Face to Survivors of His Abuse

CBS is on a long list of corporate enablers of R. Kelly’s abuse: Tidal, Apple Music, iHeartRadio, among others

New York— Following the release of clips from R. Kelly’s interviews with CBS’ Gayle King, Color Of Change, the nation’s largest online racial justice organization, issued the following statement from Senior Campaign Director Brandi Collins-Dexter:

“While we applaud Gayle King for remaining poised and undeterred in her line of questioning, we are disturbed by CBS’s complicity in providing a platform to a sexual predator determined to undermine the credibility of his victims before he appears in court.

CBS is sending the message to Black girls that profits and ratings are more valuable than the brave testimonies of survivors of sexual abuse. We thought they would have learned their lesson after the allegations against their former Chairman and CEO, Les Moonves, came to light.

Our message to CBS is the message we have for all the corporations who continue to enable R. Kelly: believe survivors or be a part of R. Kelly’s attempts to manipulate the public.

Since 2017, when our campaign to #DropRKelly began, over 80,000 Color Of Change members  raised their voices to hold R. Kelly and his enablers accountable, leading to RCA dropping the singer from the label. Color Of Change and its 1.5 million members continue to support and uplift the stories of the Black women and girls who bravely came forward and will not rest until we help them bring justice.”


Color Of Change: RCA Must Drop R. Kelly

Color Of Change, the nation’s largest online racial justice organization, issued the following statement in response to R. Kelly’s “I Admit”: Arisha Hatch, Managing Director of Campaigns at Color Of Change: Black girls and their stories matter. The time is long overdue–RCA must drop R. Kelly immediately. For years, we’ve known about R. Kelly’s sexual […]

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RCA/SONY Ends Relationship With R. Kelly, Two Days After #MuteRKelly Brings Protest to Sony’s HQ

For Immediate Release: January 18, 2019 Media Contact: Kwame Belle | Michelle Morris   RCA’s Move is a Victory for R. Kelly’s Survivors and Black Women NEW YORK — Color Of Change, the nation’s largest online racial justice organization, issued the following statement following reports that Sony’s RCA would part ways with R. […]

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